
About Duolingo

  • Looking for the best Duolingo training? Look no further than Right Directions! We offer top-quality duolingo training courses to help you learn a new language quickly and efficiently. No matter what your level of expertise, our courses are designed to help you reach your goals. And with our flexible scheduling, you can choose when and how you want to learn. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see the results for yourself!
  • The Duolingo English Test is a progressive English proficiency test. It’s offered online and is offered on demand. You’ll need a PC, webcam, and an internet connection. The questions are divided into sections that focus on speaking, reading, and listening skills. The test adjusts to your individual proficiency level as you advance. It also incorporates a writing sample and video interview to assess your English language skills.
  • Given the current COVID 19 situation, giving a test from home can be key to advancing your studies and work prospects abroad. You can make use of this time to prepare and attempt the Duolingo Test and get a good score. Mindmine global has been one of the first to adopt the Duolingo English Test and offer rigorous coaching for it. We offer extensive coaching to teach you how to tackle this home-based test so that you can make use of this time to ace your English language skills. Get in touch with Mindmine Global to join the coaching and be the right candidate at the school of your choice.
  • For all students who wish to study abroad, the Duolingo English Test is the new-gen test in town. Mindmine Global introduces to you the new English competency test. This is an alternative for IELTS and TOEFL which will make it possible for you to attend your English language test from the comfort of your home.

Preparing for Duolingo test at ESTEA Consultancy

We have the finest faculty consisting of qualified educators with years of experience behind them. They have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Duolingo exams to give their students the best coaching. They are constantly evaluated to ensure that their knowledge and efficiency is top-notch.
• Mindmine Global’s Duolingo preparation course improves your language skills not only to tackle Duolingo but also helps to score well for IELTS and TOEFL as well.
• Our faculty will also give you tips to score higher and meet the qualification for your dream university and course.

Know about the Duolingo English Test

The Duolingo English Test is an online exam for the English language. You can take it on your personal computer at home. It tests all four necessary language skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The exam is similar to TOEFL and IELTS as it also assesses the English language proficiency, but the style is more intuitive and user friendly

Crack Duolingo with this Simplified Process of Ours

Individual attention

Our tutors are committed to help every student to crack PTE with flying colours. Every student gets proper attention, and tutors help them prepare for PTE in the best possible way.

Focus on minute details

PTE can only be cracked if students learn to write and speak without any grammatical errors. Our mentors work relentlessly to improve the grammar and vocabulary of every student.

Constructive criticism

Our tutors critically evaluate regular mock tests, and detailed feedback is given to students to improve them for the final.

Intuitive Online English language test

You may remember Duolingo as the app that teaches you foreign languages. Now they have launched the English exam that You can take at home anytime.
It’s truly a new-gen test because the test adapts to your answers as you go. For example, if you get a question right, the next one is more challenging. But if you get a question wrong, the next one is easier. What does that do? It reduces the number of questions needed to evaluate a candidate. Thus the exam can narrow down your language skill pretty quickly

Why Should I take the Duolingo certificate test?

  • ESTEA Consultany encourages our students to take the Duolingo English Test for sure. Why? Because the advantages are too many for the low cost.
  • • First, many colleges have started accepting the Duolingo test score. But there are some colleges that are still on the fence about it.
    • You can take the tests at home, on your laptop with just an hour in hand.
    • Additional score reports. Duolingo has no charge for additional score reports. You can send them to as many universities as you desire. So if you think about it, it makes perfect sense to take the Duolingo test along with your TOEFL or IELTS as well.
    • Business English skill: Duolingo test has been used by many businesses to verify the English skill of applicants. In the hospitality field in the U.S.A, Duloningo is widely accepted. Unlike IELTS and TOEFL, which differentiates between academia and workplace language skill tests, Duolingo is versatile and works for applying to different fields.
    • Duolingo is now primarily used for U.S. undergraduate admissions


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